
How to Attach a File to a File-Type Field in Dynamics 365 using Power Apps Portal

28 Jan 2025
How to Attach a File to a File-Type Field in Dynamics 365 using Power Apps Portal

Uploading and attaching files to records in Dynamics 365 is a common requirement for web applications. In Power Apps Portals, we can leverage JavaScript and Dynamics 365’s Web API to attach files to file-type fields associated with records. Here, we'll explore the process of creating a file upload form and integrating it with Dynamics 365, allowing users to upload and attach files to fields.

CRM Contact entity Form where we will store file in av_resume field

How to Attach a File to a File-Type Field in Dynamics 365 using Power Apps Portal

Step 1: Create the File Upload Form

In this example, we’re creating a simple form with a file input field and an upload button. This form will allow users to select and upload files to Dynamics 365 directly from the Power Apps Portal.

The HTML code below creates a section that includes:

- An `input` element of `type="file"` where users can choose the file they want to upload.

- A button that triggers the file upload when clicked.

Here’s the HTML structure:



                               <div class="container" >
                                       <div class="row" >
                                           <div class="col-md-12" >
                                               <div class="form-group" >
                                                   <input type="file" id="resume" class="form-control"/ >
                                               </div >
                                               <div class="form-group" >
                                                   <button class="form-control" onclick="upload()" >Upload </button >
                                               </div >
                                           </div >
                                       </div >
                               </div >
                           </section >

How to Attach a File to a File-Type Field in Dynamics 365 using Power Apps Portal

Step 2: Get the Authentication Token

To upload files securely, we first need to retrieve an authentication token. The code below demonstrates how to create a `getToken` function, which uses the `shell.getTokenDeferred()` method to obtain the token. This token will be required to authenticate the file upload request to the Dynamics 365 API.

                            const getToken = function () {
                                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                                    shell.getTokenDeferred().done(token => {
                                    }).fail(error => {

Step 3: Implement the `uploadFile` Function

The `uploadFile` function is where the main file upload logic resides. Here’s a breakdown of how this function works:

  1. File Selection: The function retrieves the file from the file input element by using its `ID`.
  2. Token Retrieval: It calls the `getToken` function to get an authentication token.
  3. File Validation: If no file is selected, it returns a message indicating no file was uploaded.
  4. File Processing: The function reads the file as an ArrayBuffer, which allows it to be uploaded as a binary data stream.
  5. API Call: Using the Fetch API, it sends a `PATCH` request to Dynamics 365’s Web API with the ArrayBuffer as the `body`. It includes the authentication token and the file name in the headers.
                            const uploadFile = async function (fileInputID, fieldLogicalName, guid) {
                                return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                                    const fileInput = document.getElementById(fileInputID);
                                    const file = fileInput.files[0];
                                    const token = await getToken();
                                    if (!file) {
                                        resolve({ "success": "No file selected." });
                                    const fileReader = new FileReader();
                                    fileReader.onload = async function (event) {
                                        const fileArrayBuffer =;
                                        const fileName =;
                                        try {
                                            const apiUrl = `/_api/contacts(${guid})/${fieldLogicalName}`;
                                            const response = await fetch(apiUrl, {
                                                method: 'PATCH',
                                                headers: {
                                                    'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
                                                    'x-ms-file-name': fileName,
                                                    '__RequestVerificationToken': token
                                                body: fileArrayBuffer
                                            if (!response.ok) {
                                                throw new Error(`Error uploading file: ${response.statusText}`);
                                            resolve({ "success": "File uploaded successfully." });
                                        } catch (error) {
                                            reject({ "error": `Error uploading file: ${error}` });
                                    fileReader.onerror = function () {
                                        reject({ "error": "Failed to read the file. Please try again." });

Step 4: Upload File on Button Click

The `upload` function, triggered by the button click, calls `uploadFile` with the file input ID (`resume`) and the field logical name in Dynamics 365 where the file will be stored (e.g., `av_resume`) and the GUID of record where we will store the file. In our case we are taking GUID of logged in person and will attach file in Resume field.


                            async function upload() {
                              const recordGUID =  {{ }}; //we will take GUID of loggedin person
                              var res = await uploadFile('resume', 'av_resume', recordGUID);

How to Attach a File to a File-Type Field in Dynamics 365 using Power Apps Portal
How to Attach a File to a File-Type Field in Dynamics 365 using Power Apps Portal

Make sure you have Write privilege for related entity

How to Attach a File to a File-Type Field in Dynamics 365 using Power Apps Portal


Set up a file input field and use JavaScript and the Web API to allow file uploads directly from the Power Apps Portal.

Standard file types such as PDF, DOCX, and images are generally supported, depending on Dynamics 365 configurations.

Yes, you need write permissions on the entity in Dynamics 365 where files will be stored.

Use an authentication token from shell.getTokenDeferred() to secure the upload requests to the Dynamics 365 API.

Multiple files can be uploaded by repeating the file upload process for each file individually.

Files are attached to specified fields or entities in Dynamics 365, such as the Contact entity’s file-type field, as defined during setup.